Money 101: how to choose the best financial products for you

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Did you learn the difference between the available financial products in the market  in school? Probably not. 

Many of us have difficulty creating a secure financial plan because we lack the knowledge to save and invest wisely. 

So, we’ve compiled a checklist that would help you in your quest of finding the best financial product for you.

#1: Evaluate your needs.

Are you planning to buy a new house in a few years? Maybe start a small business? According to research, evaluating your needs is the first step to finding the right banking solution and financial products. Banks are more than a place to funnel your direct deposits; they’re where your financial needs can be met as they grow and change. To accomplish your goals quickly and effectively, you should take advantage of the bank’s or financial institution’s available financial tools and resources. 

#2: Do your own research

Compare each financial provider’s benefits and rates against your needs and lifestyle. Don’t just rely on advice from your family and peers. Every person is unique in their needs and approach to choosing and using financial products. 

We know how time-consuming and frustrating it can be to learn about all the different financial options. To help you compare and choose the best financial products for you, we’ve developed the Daleel app, an online financial marketplace available in Bahrain. 

#3: Ensure the Product’s Risk Aligns with Your Risk Tolerance

Every financial product carries an element of risk. Before choosing, make sure the product’s risk matches your risk tolerance. In general, you shouldn’t put your money into a financial instrument whose risk structure differs significantly from yours. 

There you go! As long as you keep the above aspects in mind, you’ll be able to choose wisely and pick a financial product that fits well with your life goals.

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